Archives 2021

Prave boje – True Colors

Photo: Lora Moore-Kakaletris, UNPLUSH

Za početak rada 2021/2022 u Actory Factory školi odabrali smo pesmu True Colors od Cyndi Lauper.  Nimalo slučajno. Ovaj njen veliki pop hit iz davne 1986-e i danas pleni izuzetnim tekstom, njenim fantastičnim i neponovljivim vokalom, muzikom, ali najviše porukom. Kad kažemo da nekog vidimo u njegovim ili njenim pravim bojama to znači da ga vidimo kakav on ili ona zapravo jesu. Ohrabriti svakog dečaka i svaku devojčicu da se ne plaše da pokažu svetu “svoje prave boje” ili pravo lice (što je verovatno više u duhu našeg jezika) jeste i naš cilj. Ovu pesmu zato smatramo motivacionom, a proces rada na njoj jednako važnim kao i samo izvođenje. To je razlog što smo najpre preveli svaki stih i što razgovaramo sa decom o njegovom značenju. 

Pevanje, naravno, donosi poseban užitak i izvođačima i slušaocima, ali razumevanje poruke koju ta pesma ima doprinosi dodatnom kvalitetu i snazi finalne izvedbe. Za kraj ove priče evo i našeg slobodnog prevoda pesme True Colors.

Pravo lice

Ti sa tužnim očima,
Ne plaši se!
Nije lako biti hrabar!
U svetu punom ljudi
Svako može da se izgubi
A tuga koju nosiš 
Može te učiniti još slabijim.

Zato, pokaži mi jedan osmeh,
Ne budi tužan! 
Ne mogu da se setim
kad sam poslednji put videla da se smeješ!
Ako te ovaj svet izluđuje
I ne možeš to više da podneseš
Pozovi me!
Znaš da sam uvek tu za tebe.

Jer ja vidim tvoje pravo lice!
Potpuno jasno 
vidim tvoje pravo lice
I zato te volim!

Zato ne boj se 
Da pokažeš svoje prave boje.
Tvoje prave boje su prelepe
Kao dugine.
Ja vidim tvoje pravo lice
Jasno vidim
Vidim tvoje pravo lice
I zato te volim
Zato ne boj se da 
Pokažeš svoje prave boje 
Tvoje prave boje su prelepe
Kao dugine.

To get started at Actory Factory School in 2021/2022, we chose the song True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. Not by chance. This great pop hit of hers from 1986 still captivates with its exceptional lyrics, fantastic and unique vocals and music, but mostly with its message. When we say we see someone’s true colors it means that we see him or her as he or she actually is. Encouraging every boy and every girl not to be afraid to show the world “their true colors” is also one of our goals. This is the reason why we consider this song to be motivational, and the process of working on it is just as important as the performance itself. That is why we first translated each verse into Serbian and talked to the children about its meaning.

Singing, of course, brings special pleasure to both performers and listeners, but understanding this song’s message adds to the quality and strength of the final performance. For the end of this story, here are the lyrics of the song True Colors.

True Colors

You with the sad eyes
Don’t be discouraged
Oh I realize
It’s hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then
Don’t be unhappy, can’t remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you’ve taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I’ll be there

And I’ll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let it show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbowIf this world makes you crazy
And you’ve taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I’ll be there

And I’ll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let it showYour true colors
True colors
True colors
Shining throughI see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow

Gluvi telefoni – Broken telephones

Photo: Saeed Karimi, UNPLASH

Gluvi telefoni je stara, ali i dalje vrlo popularna društvena igra zbog čega je dobila i modernu verziju. U prodavnicama se može kupiti istoimena igra sa potrebnom aparaturom za snimanje poruka, a poruke, u zavisnosti od dogovora igrača mogu biti samo jedna ili više reči ili čak i cela rečenica. Poruka se snima i preslušava, niko nikom ništa ne šapuće na uho. Igrači po preslušavanju poruke snimaju ono što su čuli za sledećeg igrača i tako redom do kraja. Moderno, i u duhu vremena, skoro bez kontakta, igra teče. Ipak, složićemo se, ništa ne može da zameni živu reč i neposredan kontakt.

 I ova je igra, kao i mnoge druge društvene igre, zabavnija što je veći broj učesnika. Igrači mogu da sede u krugu, a mogu se rasporediti i u liniji, formacija je manje bitna. Važno je da postoji početak i kraj, to jest da se odredi ko započinje igru, a koji igrač je završava. Svi bi trebalo da se trude da dobro čuju, a potom da dobro prenesu poruku sledećem i tako do poslednjeg koji mora da je izgovori naglas. Tada i onaj koji je započeo igru izgovara glasno prvobitnu poruku, a ona uglavnom bude toliko drugačija od one koja je stigla do kraja da grupa prasne u smeh! Gluvi telefoni su mnogo više od dobre zabave i igre koja nadasve zasmejava. Ova igra jača koncentraciju, izoštrava čulo sluha, zahteva od igrača da iako šapuću dobro artikulišu reči.

Broken Telephones is an old, but still very popular board game, which is why it got a modern version. In stores, you can buy the game of the same name with the necessary equipment for recording messages, which, depending on the players’ agreement, can be just one or more words or even a whole sentence. The message is recorded and listened to, without anyone whispering anything in anyone’s ear. After listening to the message, the players record what they heard from the previous player for the next player to hear and so on until the end. Contemporary, absolutely in the spirit of our times, and without contact, the game still has a natural flow of its own. Still, we can all agree, nothing can replace the living word and direct communication.
This game, like many other board games, is more fun the larger the number of participants. Players can sit in a circle or they can also be arranged in a line. Ultimately, the formation is less important. What is important is that there is a beginning and an end, that is, to determine who starts the game and which player finishes it. Everyone should try to listen well, and then convey the message to the best of their ability to the person next to them and so on to the last one who has to say it out loud. Then the person who started the game utters the original message out loud, and it is usually ends up being so very different from the one that reached the end that the whole group bursts out laughing!
Broken Telephones is so much more than just good fun! This game strengthens concentration, improves listening skills and requires players to articulate words well, even when whispering.

U ogledalu – In the mirror

Photo: Bekah Russom, UNPLASH

U ogledalu je dramska igra i iako je zabavna spada u zahtevnije igre. Deci pomaže da razumeju i nauče da na sceni glumci najčešće nisu sami, odnosno da njihova igra zavisi od igre drugoga, zbog čega glumci često i kažu da su dobri jer na sceni imaju odličnog partnera ili partnerku. Upravo zbog toga je važno da onaj ko vodi ovu igru, osim njenih pravila, objasni deci i čemu nas ona uči, za kakve nas zadatke priprema.

Pravila su jednostavna. Igra se u paru. Jedno dete se ogleda, dakle ono je pred ogledalom, a drugo dete je ogledalo. Dete koje se «ogleda» pravi različite pokrete i grimase, a “dete ogledalo” ga oponaša, imitira izvodeći iste pokrete i grimase. Onaj koji vodi igru može da pomogne deci sugestijom da pokret koji zadaju ogledalu ne bude previše nagao i neočekivan jer «ogledalo» na to ne može da odgovori. Dok deca još uvek uče ovu igru može im se olakšati zadatak i reći da sve rade kao u usporenom snimku.

Potpuna usaglašenost se postiže kada uspostave pravi kontakt, a tada posmatrač ne može da bude siguran ko se ogleda, a ko je ogledalo. Posle izvesnog vremena trebalo bi da zamene uloge, jer bi svako dete trebalo da oseti i zna kako je biti sa druge strane, ma koja to strana bila.

Pošto je igra nema, odnosno pantomimska, muzika je poželjna kao kulisa i stimulacija jer može da podstakne decu da budu još kreativnija.

Igra je popularna i u dramskoj i plesnoj terapiji jer kod pojedinca jača empatiju i emocionalno razumevanje drugoga.

In the Mirror is a drama game, and even though it is fun, it is one of the more demanding games. It helps children to understand and learn that actors are usually not alone on stage, which means that their game depends on the game of another, which is why actors often say that they are good because they have a good partner on stage.

That is why it is important that the one who leads this game, in addition to its rules, explains to the children what it teaches us, what tasks it prepares us for. The rules are simple. It is played in pairs. The first child is mirrored, as if standing in front of the mirror, while the other child is the mirror. The child who “mirrors” makes different movements with their body and face, and the “child mirror” imitates him or her by performing the same movements and grimaces. The leader of the game can help the children by suggesting that the movements acted out should not be too sudden and unexpected because the “child mirror” cannot respond to that in time. While the children are still learning this game, the task can be made easier for them if they are asked to do everything in slow-motion.

Complete harmony between the two is achieved when they fully connect, when the casual observer cannot be sure who is mirroring and who is the mirror. After a while, the participants should change roles, because every child should feel and know what it is like to be on the other side, no matter which side it is. Since the game is played without sound, that is, in pantomime, music is desirable as a backdrop and stimulation because it can encourage them to be more creative.

That is why this game is also popular in drama and dance therapy because it strengthens empathy and emotional understanding of others.