Brzalice – Tongue Twisters

Brzalice – Tongue Twisters

Brzalice su višestruko korisne i zabavne! Osim što kroz igru usavršavamo tehniku govora i artikulaciju, podižemo i nivo pažnje i koncentracije!

Brzalice u početku ne brzamo, već tek pošto ih naučimo napamet i razumemo u potpunosti!

Deci je potrebno objasniti nepoznate reči kako bi mogla da zamisle ono što izgovaraju.

Ove brzalice su dobri primeri za vežbanje samoglasnika, a svaki samoglasnik (a, e, i, o, u) se mora čuti jednako, čak i kada ih izgovaramo brzo!

Zabavno je i kada ih govorimo različitom jačinom – od glasnog šapata do glasnog govora, nikako vikanja!

Kada ih dobro savladamo, onda se svaka od njih može ponavljati na način da u svakom ponavljanju akcentujemo drugu reč! A mogu se i pevati u različitim žanrovima, neke kao rep, neke kao operske arije!

Pustite mašti na volju!

Tongue twisters are useful and fun! In addition to improving speech technique and articulation through the game, they also raise the level of focus and concentration!

We don’t start off fast, and not until after the children learn the twisters by heart and understand them completely!

Unknown words need to be explained (and translated, when in English) to children so that they can understand what they are saying.

These tongue twisters are good examples for practicing vowels, and each vowel (a, e, i, o, u) must be heard equally, even when we pronounce them quickly!

It’s also fun when we say them at different volumes – from a loud whisper to a loud speech, no shouting!

When we have mastered them, then each of them can be repeated in such a way that in each repetition we emphasize a different word! And they can be sung in different genres, some as rap, some as operas!

Let your children’s imaginations run wild!