O školi

Ko je spreman za pozornicu, spreman je za svet!

Actory Factory je dvojezična (srpsko-engleska) škola za scensku umetnost, namenjena deci i mladima, s fokusom na tri oblasti: glumu, ples i pevanje i kao takva jedinstvena je u Srbiji. Nastava je na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Audicija ne postoji – sva deca su dobrodošla, a prvi čas je uvek besplatan!

Program rada je u skladu sa uzrastom dece, zbog čega je nastava i organizovana u odnosu na uzrast. Održava se jednom sedmično – nedeljom od 10 do 13 časova, u maloj sali OŠ Veljko Dugošević na Zvezdari. Između časova glume, pevanja i plesa su kratke pauze da deca promene prostor za rad, osveže se i pripreme za sledeći čas.

Škola Actory Factory radi od oktobra do kraja juna, a nastava se održava i za vreme raspusta samo u manjem obimu jer veliki broj dece tada ostaje kod kuće. Plaćanje je mesečno. Cena članarine za 1 mesec iznosi 5000 RSD. Ukoliko školu pohađa dvoje dece iz iste porodice, za drugo dete cena je sa popustom i iznosi 2500 RSD,  a za treće dete, ukoliko nam se pridruži, roditelj neće plaćati članarinu. Preporuka je da se plaćanje obavi najkasnije do 10-og u tekućem mesecu. 

Na kraju polugodišta održaće se javni čas za roditelje i prijatelje na kome ćemo pokazati ono što budemo naučili do tada, a na kraju godine na daskama koje život znače i pod reflektorima izvešćemo predstavu koja će sadržati sve elemente glume, pevanja i plesa ukomponovane u jedinstvenu celinu.

U Actory Factory školi negujemo timski duh – mi smo jedna ekipa! Polaznike ohrabrujemo da pokažu i razvijaju svoj talenat, da prepoznaju sopstveni potencijal i svakom detetu, bez izuzetka, smo i podrška i inspiracija.

Pre svega želimo da se deca ovde osećaju kao kod kuće, budu svoji na svome i uživaju u vremenu koje provode s nama. Podržavaćemo ih da budu ono što jesu, ali i da rade na sebi kako bi bili još bolji u svemu što rade.

Verujemo da će im različite veštine iz oblasti scenske umetnosti: glume, plesa i pevanja, koje s nama budu usvajali i razvijali, pomoći da pobede strah i tremu, da bolje uče u školi, da ojačaju u svakom smislu i budu spremniji za život.

Istina, neće svi postati glumci, pevači ili plesači, ali će steći samopouzdanje neophodno za izazove koje donosi ona najveća pozornica koju zovemo svet!

Zato je naš slogan:  Spremni za pozornicu, spremni za svet!

A da je «Ceo svet pozornica», saznali smo od Žaka, junaka iz komedije Kako vam drago, koju je Šekspir napisao 1600. godine.

Photo: Kyle Head, UNPLASH

About our school

If you’re ready for the stage, you’re ready for the world!

Actory Factory is a bilingual (Serbian-English) school for the performing arts, intended for children and young people, with a focus on three areas: acting, dance and singing, and as such is unique in Serbia. Classes are in Serbian and English. There is no audition – all children are welcome, and the first lesson is always free!

The work program is in accordance with the age of the children, which is why the classes are organized in relation to their age. It is held once a week – on Sundays from 10 am to 1 pm, in the small hall of the Veljko Dugošević Elementary School in the Zvezdara neighborhood. Between classes of acting, singing and dancing, there are short breaks for children to change their work space, refresh themselves and prepare for the next class.

The Actory Factory school operates from October to the end of June, and classes are held during the holidays only on a small scale because a large number of children then stay at home or go on vacation. Payments are made monthly. The membership fee for one month per child is RSD 5000. If two children from the same family attend school, the price for the second child is discounted and amounts to RSD 2,500, and for the third child, if he or she joins us, attendance is free of charge. It is recommended that payment be made no later than the 10th of the current month.

Before the winter break, there will be a public performance for parents and friends where we will show what we have learnt thus far, and at the end of the school year we will present a play that will contain all elements of acting, singing and dancing integrated into a single whole.

At Actory Factory school, we nurture team spirit – we are one team! We encourage students to show and develop their talent, to recognize their own potential and, for every child, without exception, we aim to  provide both support and inspiration.

Most importantly, we want the children in our school to feel at home, be self-confident and enjoy the time they spend with us. We will support them in being truly who they are, but also to work on themselves in order to be even better in everything they do.

We believe that the various skills in the field of performing arts: acting, dancing and singing, which they will adopt and develop with us, will help them overcome fear and anxiety, do better in school, grow stronger in every sense and be more ready for life.

True, not everyone will become an actor, singer or dancer, but they will gain the confidence necessary for the challenges of the biggest stage, which we call the world!

That is why our slogan is: Ready for the stage, ready for the world!

And that “All the world’s a stage”, we learned from Jaques, the hero of the comedy As You Like It, written by William Shakespeare in 1600.